Friday, March 27, 2009

Coast to Coast!

Put on a fresh pot of coffee...Saturday night, 3/28/09 from 2:00AM to 5:00AM (eastern), I will be LIVE with Ian Punnett on Coast to Coast AM. This will be my second interview with Ian - he also had me on for my last history book, The Great Starvation Experiment, and I am really looking forward to this. Ian is an insightful interviewer - the kind that actually reads the book before having the author on his show. And the audience is huge, smart, and devoted. Here's a link to the C2C website:

If you're not a night owl, you can download the podcast there.


  1. Great interview last night with Ian on C2C last night. For what this might be worth, I worked in the national labs at Lawrence Berkeley and Los Alamos in the 70s and early 80s.

    I recall having actually met with one of the guys who apparently had worked on the "flyable nuclear reactor engine" project. One of the major concerns / topics of discussion was centered around the potential consequences of a crash. No matter how "hardened" such a self contained reactor could be, no one in their right mind could ever assure such a situation would not lead to a horrific radiation release disaster - but, as he said, it was an interesting project while it lasted.

    About 20 years ago I drove around in various parts of SE Idaho . . . and it was a very desolate area indeed. There is a region known as the "scab lands" sort of in that same area, a bizarre landscape created by an enormous flood that occurred there thousands of years ago.

    Just for laughs, I too have been a guest on C2C, with Ian, George, and Art, usually discussing nanotechnology, physics, related areas of interest.

    In any case, great interview, learned a lot about that early "Atomic America" time I didn't know about.

    best regards

    Charles Ostman

  2. Photograpsh of those engines can be seen here:

    EBR-1 is an outstanding museum to visit if you're in the area of Idaho Falls and have time to drive out to the site.

  3. Hey, caught your show on Streamlink yesterday. Great work. I, too, am a nuke. I was assigned to the S5G prototype in 1992 (the ketchup bottle we called it). I remember taking the bus out there (about 45 minutes each way from Idaho Falls...) There were several roads leading away from the main road that went off into the vanishing point - one of which was to the SL1 site, another to the nuclear airplane site. What a great time. In fact, I even climbed the largest mountain that overlooked INEL on a 4-day we had off after mids. GREAT VIEW!

    Your show was entertaining to listen to - one of the few times I've actually been happy with Ian for not interrupting! You did a great job and brought back a lot of memories from that time in my life.

    --LCDR Perry Meyer
